10 Best Practices from the National Association of 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Safety Program

  1. Always let someone know where you are going and when you will be back.
  2. Show properties while it’s still light out.
  3. 不要用你的车载客户. Instead, have them meet you at the property.
  4. Take a moment to look around before you enter your destination.
  5. 在你的手机里预先设置重要的电话号码,比如你的办公室、路边救援和911.
  6. Plan ahead by searching for escape routes.
  7. 学习自卫技巧.
  8. 通过限制房子里的人数来控制你的开放日交通.
  9. 当与客户和潜在客户交谈时,要对你的个人信息保密.
  10. 选择逃跑而不是战斗.

Scan the QR code to see the complete list of 56 tips

访问其他提示, 可打印的pdf文档, 社交媒体图表, 视频, and other safety resources from NAR: nar.2021十大正规彩票app经纪人/安全

Find additional articles from 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® magazine: ngskmc-eis.net/safety

As a real estate professional, your job can put you in risky situations. 意识到潜在的威胁并采取必要的预防措施将有助于你安全回家.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 杂志要求会员分享他们在2021十大正规彩票app职业生涯中感到安全受到威胁的一次经历,以及他们是如何应对的.

Answers have been edited for space and clarity.

有些不对劲? 相信自己的直觉

Do you have an emergency plan if something goes awry? 马里昂搁浅船受浪摇摆, 是Smart Group的代理, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, 圣安东尼奥, went to a vacant house to take a series of 视频 for an investor. She noticed the door was partially open, but the lockbox wasn’t. Inside, she saw large holes in the floor. 由于房子有一个桥墩和横梁基础,有人可以很容易地爬进去. Suggs went back to her car and immediately contacted the selling agent. Soon after, she saw someone running out the back door.

萨格斯已经学会了在展示破败或空置的房产时极其谨慎. 当她到达时,如果门没有关好,她会离开并联系销售代理. “Make sure you always have a plan to get out if something happens,她说。. “Like I tell my children, always think ahead for the ‘what if.’”

斯泰西Stidham, a buyer’s agent with Keller Williams Realty Northeast, 休斯顿, brought an investor client to a home that was listed as vacant. 在参观的过程中, they noticed a pair of men’s shoes in the middle of the living room floor, 空厨房里的空气炸锅, and eight unopened beers on the patio. 他们很快就离开了.

之后, 她给房源中介留了条信息,让他知道可能有人擅自占用,后门没锁. 虽然她一直没有收到中介的回复,但几天后房子就被收回了.

在另一个例子中, 斯蒂德汉姆看了一套房源,里面的车库门坏了,任何人都可以直接走进房子. “我不会再展示那些我从窗户看不到的空置房屋,或者那些很容易进入内部的房屋,她说。.

She has since installed the Life360 tracking app, 如果她有危险,让她发出无声的警报,让她的丈夫在放映时找到她.


根据NAR 2022 Member Safety Residential Report:

  • 34%的住宅2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®在僻静的地点或物业单独会见了新客户或潜在客户.
  • 42% of residential 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® hosted an open house alone.
  • 在过去的12个月里,43%的住宅2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®在电话覆盖差或没有电话覆盖的地区展示了空置房产.
  • 40% of residential 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® participated in a self-defense class.
  • 43% of men and 54% of women carry a self-defense weapon or tool.
  • 64%的住家会员使用智能手机安全应用追踪行踪,并在紧急情况下提醒同事.
  • 67%的住宅2021十大正规彩票app经纪人表示,他们的办公室有适当的安全程序.
  • 73%的住宅2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®有个人安全协议,他们遵循每一个客户.
  • 75%的住宅2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®在参加了2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®安全课程后,对未知情况的准备更充分.

面临危险? 保持冷静,保护自己

What would you do if you encountered a trespasser? 当瓦菲克·阿拉维, 奥斯汀2021十大正规彩票app公司的经纪人, noticed the door to his vacant listing was damaged, he pushed on the door to see if it was open, only to have someone push back from the inside. Alalawi promptly moved away from the door and called 911.

As the int粗鲁的r charged him, Alalawi tried his best to remain calm. “在和警察通电话的时候, I had no choice but to draw my weapon and stand my ground,他说. 这名闯入者在看到武器和阿拉维的口头警告后立即后退,警告他不要再靠近. The police arrived quickly and arrested the int粗鲁的r nearby.

阿拉维从他的持枪执照课程中吸取教训,警告其他人不要试图成为英雄. “A gun is a last resort to protect yourself,他说. “事后看来, 如果再发生这种事, the best thing for me to do would be to first get to safety, 就像我的车, and lock the door before calling 911.”

Practicing the adage that there is safety in numbers, 琳达Botello, 地平线2021十大正规彩票app公司的经纪人, 奥斯丁, 她带了一个朋友来参加她的开放日活动,并向两边和街对面的邻居作了自我介绍. When she retrieved the signs after the open house, a gentleman acting like an appraiser pulled around the back.

博特罗说:“他开始问路,还问了一些加不起来的面积问题。. 我展示了我用来移除气球的刀,并按照他的说法去做.”


博特罗提醒其他探员,在看房期间要让邻居们来看看他们,而且千万不要单独看房. “Even if you have a weapon, it can be taken from you.相反,她认为在手机上安装一个报警应用程序会有帮助. 她还补充说,当一个男人单独进来时,她永远不会呆在家里. “我告诉他我马上回来,然后坐在我的车里拍下他的车牌.”

确保你的手机在覆盖范围内并且充满电总是一个好主意. 然而, there are times where service is spotty, 或者辛迪·比尔曼的案例, 银钥匙2021十大正规彩票app公司的经纪人, 小道消息, 那时还没有手机. 在一个开放参观日结束后,她开始锁门,这时她注意到有两个男人朝房子走来. “他们都穿着黑色长外套,戴着黑色软呢帽,遮住了眼睛,”她说.

Since she was alone and did not have a phone, she ran to the garage and grabbed a can of wasp spray she had seen earlier. She stayed outside the patio door when the men walked in.


While she was able to think quickly on her feet, Billman says she now invites another agent, 信贷员, and sometimes her husband to sit with her. 她用来避免独自一人被发现的另一个技巧是永远不要跟着别人上楼. If the person says they must show her something, she will tell them she cannot climb the stairs due to an injury.