你的客户刚刚结束了. But that doesn’t mean the business relationship is over. 根据2020年 Profile of Texas Homebuyers and Sellers, 78% of buyers and 72% of sellers said they would use the same agent again. However, only 13% of buyers and 27% of sellers used an agent they had worked with in the past. Whether your clients just sold or are moving in, here are seven ways to keep connected to have a better chance of repeat or referral business.

  • 送闭幕礼物. Go the extra step to deliver a closing gift when your clients move in or before they move out.
  • 得到反馈. Send out a satisfaction survey using a free tool like SurveyMonkey to find out how you did. Don’t forget to address any issues or questions immediately.
  • 确认值得注意的日期. Besides showing appreciation for their business with a handwritten thank you, consider sending personalized cards on holidays, 生日, 还有他们的关门纪念日.
  • 打电话给他们. 不需要很长时间. A quick check-in to find out how they are doing and to share any notable news can help build and strengthen your relationship.
  • 增加价值. Sending a monthly e-newsletter is a great way to stay top of mind, but no one likes spam. 共享特定于他们的信息, such as a list of places to explore in the area, 有用的操作技巧, and the latest local marketing trends. Don’t be afraid to ask your clients what they would find valuable.
  • 参与在线. If you haven’t already, connect with your clients on social media. Not only is it a great way to stay in contact, but it is also an easy way to interact informally.
  • 定个约会. Catch up with your clients in person. Ask them to volunteer with you at your favorite charity for the day, invite them to an event (even virtual ones) you are hosting, 或者约他们出去喝咖啡.

The growth of your real estate business is dependent on creating strong, trusted relationships. So, regardless of how you continue to touch base, be consistent and genuine in your contact.