Want to try a new way to learn and network? 来 REBarCamp德州 9月28日.

REBarCamp is a real estate BarCamp, which is different than a typical conference. Sessions aren’t planned in advance, and everyone has an opportunity to host and get involved in roundtable sessions. The event is most successful when attendees participate.

REBarCamp德州, hosted by Texas YPN, is being held September 28 from 10 a.m. 到5点.m. 在奥斯汀的AFS电影院. For $15, you secure your spot for a full day of sessions, lunch, and drinks at

This unstructured conference is perfect for anyone interested in learning and connecting in a casual environment. It’s all about sharing tips and tools, comparing what works and what doesn’t, learning how to grow your business, and expanding your network with industry pros from all across Texas.

Whether you’ve been a REALTOR® for 25 years or just got your license last week, you’re guaranteed to walk away with tips and tools you can apply to your business the next day.
Learn more and register at ngskmc-eis.net/rebar.