本文节选自 2021十大正规彩票app导师这本书可以在亚马逊上买到.

Mention lead generation—especially to a new agent—and it may produce an eye roll. It brings to mind door knocking and cold calling and other activities many agents dislike.

但如果没有潜在客户,代理商将会失败. It’s no secret that there is a high dropout rate in this business and that many agents don’t earn the income 他们 had envisioned, 尤其是在职业生涯的早期.

什么 应该 我们会告诉新代理商如何产生潜在客户? How about that their number one job in real estate is to attract business and to remain top of mind with the people in their world? 我们需要的是全面的网络参与.

Network engagement is 什么 we do to generate business and referrals. It’s a call to action that revolves around implementing systems that consistently create interactions with the people in your world. 的 primary goal is to keep top of mind with all of the people in your existing network to grow that network. Network engagement is the bridge between lead generation and your sphere of influence. It is designed to build a thriving client base that runs on referrals and repeat business.

Network engagement is about knowing and understanding your network in a way that nobody else does. It’s about treating people not the way that you 想要治疗吗 but treating them the way 他们 想要治疗吗.

的 question isn’t 什么 are we telling new agents but 什么 我们告诉他们? 什么 have we left out that draws a much clearer picture of 什么 it takes to build a thriving real estate business? 作为经纪人, I have a responsibility to make sure that my agents know not only 什么 is expected of them as agents and professionals but 什么 may be required of them to be successful in this business.

A successful and purposeful network engagement plan may include the following activities:

  • 手写笔记
  • 社交媒体营销
  • 视频文本
  • 视频电子邮件
  • Pop-bys
  • 电话

这样的例子不胜枚举. Many agents quickly become overwhelmed with so many lead generation options, and just as many are hampered by trying to implement activities that simply 不 a good fit for them. Recommending that new agents select three to five of the dozens of great network engagement activities and track those activities consistently can produce great results. 的 什么 远没有…重要 do 以系统的、持续的参与的形式. It must be all-encompassing, all-consuming, and it must be our focus as real estate agents.

Can agents become successful in the short term by purchasing leads? 当然. 许多人. Can agents grow their business by making cold calls day after day? 当然. But by focusing efforts and activities towards people who already know you, 像你这样的, 相信你, the likelihood of repeat business and referrals grows exponentially.

毫无疑问, 关注你的人际网络,参与一个系统的, 持续的方式可以提高销售数字. 更重要的是,它可以提升人际关系. Pandemic or no pandemic, real estate is first and foremost a relational business. Many of us have found new and innovative ways to stay top of mind with our network while social distancing. 但网络参与从未像现在这样重要. Perhaps it’s time for a new real estate term that better describes 什么 we do and how we do it.